Fourth industrial revolution education
audeāmus - may we dare, may we venture, may we risk
Bridging the gap between talent & opportunity.
World Tech’s network of academic partners includes high schools, colleges and NGOs interested in maximizing outcomes for the 4th Industrial Revolution.
We build custom-made programs for employers while providing maximum support for their employees. Our partnership with innovative universities means we can adapt to your needs with a data-driven approach that helps you understand your talent.
Our academic network benefits by improving their outcomes in the following strategic areas, while getting access to our data-driven technology toolkit to meet market demand.
Coding Bootcampspractical hands-on rapid skills training programs we pioneered in Latin America. 100% job placement rates within 6 - 12 months.
Master’s Degreesmasters degrees that fit your educational portfolio strategy, leveraging our data analytics platform and upgrading content constantly.
Bachelor’s Degreesmodern bachelor degrees that guarantee a rigorous training in state of the art technologies.
Language Learningbilingualism in English for Fourth Industrial Revolution jobs.