We help universities, high schools and impact funds support and build next generation learning models, develop new programs and reach excellent student outcomes.
Are you interested in upgrading your educational portfolio?
info@worldtechmakers.comAttract more students interested in new skills.
Design courses that are aligned with what the market needs.
Implement Fourth Industrial Revolution education programs.
Reach 100% job employment rates helping your team succeed.
We work with universities to help them reach their strategic goals and transition to Fourth Industrial Revolution Programs.
bootcamps, digital DNA
Starting this year, PISA will start measuring Computational Thinking in the global tests. Upgrade your offer with our STEAM K12 solution and/or bootcamps.
STEAM K12 curriculum and bootcamps
We work with leading education funds interested in 100% job placement rates for job creation and social inclusion. Within months, you start seeing your return.
Are you interested in upgrading your educational portfolio?